Eversharp Desk-Pac Base


About This Model

The Wahl Company appeared in the later 1910s, the result of takeovers and divestitures as business machines and pens grew, diversified, and specialized. The first true Wahl pen appeared in 1921, and included several distinctive innovations that were not available in the more commonly seen Waterman’s, Sheaffers, and Parkers. The innovations included a humped lever, the roller clip and the clip’s attachment to the pen. Wahl also produced All-Metal pens, which were quite complicated, with numerous engineering changes to enable them to not be metal overlays over hard rubber. 1920s Wahl pens were also notable for a wide variety of nib styles and the decorative patterns that adorned metal and hard rubber pens alike. Wahl was late to celluloid, however, but its late 1920s Gold Seal Personal Points, and the 1930s Eversharp Dorics and Equipoise models were sufficiently well-made and stylish to keep Wahl among the largest first tier firms. The Dorics were outstanding, complex designs that are highly sought today, although they are generally quite fragile. Their lower level Oxfords and Juniors were relatively solid but not as durable.

About This Pen

Discovering a few interesting items lurking in the shop turned up this 1950’s Eversharp Desk-Pac fountain pen base. It is in luxurious black plastic, quintessentially 50s. My parents’ 1956 Buick Special immediately came to mind. It’s in great shape, including the felt pad, which I guess was for safely locating one’s cigarette lighter? With regrets, I don’t have pens to fit, but they may turn up. photography note: the base is flat; it was tipped up to mitigate the glare on the plastic.

Price: $45

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