Tim's Thoughts

Website 2.0

For months I’ve been telling friends that a new website is coming…and it has arrived!  With thanks to Jesse, the brilliant developer who understood my vision of a real database driving a site that looked like my 1.0 site, timsvintagepens.com is now able to handle many more pens, display their content and photos in a much more user-friendly manner, and enable users to zero in on the pen they want to see without scrolling through long pages.  It links to my new timsvintagepens Instagram page, and lets me produce a Featured Pen with each update, in addition to Thoughts.  Most important, 90% of the maintenance I used to have to do is handled by the site’s “back end”, leaving me much more time for restoring pens!  Please let me know if you find errors or areas that don’t work well, but enjoy my new site!